Policies & Procedures


How we are keeping your child safe during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Please do not send your child to classes if they are feeling unwell, a family member or someone in your household are displaying COVID-19 symptoms.


• All parents/carers are kindly asked to maintain social distancing when arriving at our venue.
• No parents/carers are permitted to enter the studio (unless in an emergency).
• Parents will be added to a class WhatsApp group and will receive a WhatsApp message with the access code to the St Mary’s staff car park (which is our entrance/exit for SDS).
• All parents/carers are required to drop their children off at the door to the studio and return to collect from the upper playground at St Mary’s School.
• Registration will be taken at the beginning of each class.

In Class
• We will be observing class sizes in line with social distancing.
• Frequent hand washing or hand sanitisation will be undertaken by all upon entry, after toilet visits, and upon exit.
• Hand sanitisers will be available in the studio and the main entrance.
• Please ensure your child only brings essential possessions to SDS (such as water, dance shoes any medical needs, i.e. EpiPen), and keeps those possessions on the table provided.
Where possible, please DO NOT bring mobile phones to SDS.
• Non-essential items (such as props and costumes) will not be used for the time being.
• Students will be encouraged to cough or sneeze using the inside of their elbow to ‘catch it’ or a tissue which should be put into a bin bag (one per room) which the teacher will seal and dispose of after each day of teaching.

Social Distancing
• We will be observing the latest social distancing guidance from the UK Government for all of our students where appropriate.

• Students are to be collected from the upper playgrounds so that we keep a one way system for drop off and collection.
• Please note that parents need to be prompt as we have strict procedures in place for cleaning after each dance class.

Venue availability
• In the event of the studio becoming unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances, we will endeavour to source an alternative venue within the surrounding area or move the day/time of our classes.
• If, for any reason, we are unable to deliver our classes in a suitable studio/hall we will be offering replacement classes delivered via an online platform such as Zoom where available.

There may be additional safety measures in place at other venues, which your Principal will make you aware of.

Please note, as government guidance and policy change we will be updating safety measures accordingly.


Policies & Procedures
These procedures have been designed to ensure the welfare and protection of any child and/or young person who accesses the services provided by Surrey Dance School.
The procedures recognise that child protection can be a very difficult subject to deal with to the extent that it is sometimes easier to close your eyes to what is happening or believe that it is somebody else’s problem to deal with.
Surrey Dance School is committed to the belief that protecting children and young people is everybody’s responsibility and therefore the aim here is to provide guidelines that will enable all workers/members and volunteers to act appropriately to any concerns that arise in respect of a child/young person.
Surrey Dance School is committed to promoting an environment where all individuals are encouraged to achieve their full potential and develop their skills, encouraging all involved to maintain an open approach towards the different talents and abilities offered by all their students. It is therefore required of any teachers and staff that they do not discriminate, either directly or indirectly, on the grounds of colour, race, nationality, ethnic origin, gender, mental or physical disability, marital status or sexuality.